An interview with Yamar’s CEO, Yair Maryanka.
How did you come up with the idea for Yamar?
Yair: “The idea of communication over noisy DC power lines was born when observing the need to eliminate bulky, heavy, and expensive wire harness existing in many industries such as automotive and airplanes.”

Is this your first experience with aerospace?
We participated in the FP7 European Space program “MPBUS” where Yamar tackled with space related requirements. Today, Yamar supplies its devices to several aerospace customers in Europe and USA.
Who are team members?
Yamar’s team consist of 7 people, Engineers and PhD experts in digital communication and semiconductors design. The team work together for many years to achieve the challenges of communication in noisy environment.
How do you feel about the responsibility of leading such a startup?
As a small company, our main responsibility is to both support and secure supply to all our customers worldwide. We were able to survive the semiconductor shortage due to our policy to cover ahead expected customers demand.
Who are your ideal partners?
Partners who will have direct interest in Yamar’s success.
Where do you see your company in 5 years from now?
$100M company
What would you consider as success?
Customers who buy our products again and again.
Link to Yamar website: